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Produkte und Fragen zum Begriff Holmes-Catherine-V-Wie:

  • Holmes, Catherine V: Wie man coole Sachen zeichnet
    Holmes, Catherine V: Wie man coole Sachen zeichnet

    Wie man coole Sachen zeichnet , Fortgeschrittene Schattierungs und Zeichentechniken , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 21.51 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Holmes, Catherine V: Cómo Dibujar Cosas Geniales
    Holmes, Catherine V: Cómo Dibujar Cosas Geniales

    Cómo Dibujar Cosas Geniales , "Cómo Dibujar Cosas Geniales: Sombreado, Texturas e Ilusiones Ópticas es el segundo libro de la serie Cómo Dibujar Cosas Geniales. En su interior, encontrará ilustraciones sencillas que cubren todo lo necesario para dibujar cosas impresionantes. Se proporcionan ejercicios específicos que ofrecen directrices paso a paso para dibujar una gran variedad de temas. Cada lección comienza con una forma simple que se convertirá en la estructura básica del dibujo. A partir de ahí, cada paso añade elementos a esa estructura, permitiendo al artista construir sobre su creación y realizar una imagen más detallada. Partiendo de las formas básicas, se proporciona una guía al artista para ayudarle a ver los objetos en términos de formas simplificadas. Además, se incluyen instrucciones para sombrear con el fin de añadir profundidad, contraste, carácter y movimiento al dibujo. Las variedades de textura y patrón que se pueden incluir en una obra de arte ofrecen otra capa de interés y profundidad al diseño. Estos elementos son esenciales para indicar la apariencia de algo en una obra (textura) o para crear la repetición de formas, líneas o colores (patrones). Las ilusiones ópticas ilustradas muestran imágenes que se perciben de manera diferente a lo que realmente son, ofreciendo ejemplos de cómo la mente y los ojos pueden ser engañados. Todo lo que necesita es un trozo de papel, un lápiz y una goma de borrar, y estará listo para dibujar cosas impresionantes. Una vez completado el dibujo, puede colorearlo, sombrearlo o diseñarlo de la forma que desee para hacerlo único. Seguir estos ejercicios es una forma estupenda de practicar su oficio y empezar a ver las cosas en términos de formas simples dentro de un objeto complejo. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 20.85 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Holmes, Catherine V: Cómo dibujar cosas geniales
    Holmes, Catherine V: Cómo dibujar cosas geniales

    Cómo dibujar cosas geniales , Cómo dibujar cosas geniales contiene ilustraciones simples, paso a paso, que hacen que dibujar cosas geniales con precisión y confianza sea fácil para cualquier persona. Estas páginas te guiarán a través de los principios básicos de la ilustración y se centrarán en formas fáciles de aprender que se transforman en complejos dibujos. Con pautas paso a paso, cualquier cosa puede llegar a ser fácil de dibujar. Este libro contiene una serie de divertidos ejercicios prácticos que te ayudarán a ver la línea, la forma, el espacio y otros elementos en los objetos cotidianos. Así, podrás convertirlos en obras de arte detalladas en tan solo unos sencillos pasos. Los ejercicios de este libro te ayudarán a entrenar el cerebro para que puedas visualizar los objetos cotidianos de una manera diferente, y te permitirán ver a través de los ojos de un artista. Desde caras fotorrealistas hasta temas navideños y dibujos de tatuajes, ¡Cómo dibujar cosas geniales hace que dibujar sea más fácil de lo que crees, y más divertido de lo que jamás habías imaginado! Ahora es el momento de aprender a dibujar los temas y escenas que siempre has soñado con dibujar. Cómo dibujar cosas geniales es adecuado para artistas de cualquier edad, y ayuda desde a profesores y estudiantes hasta a autodidactas y aficionados. ¡Cómo dibujar cosas geniales te ayudará a desarrollar tu potencial artístico y te expondrá a la alegría pura de dibujar! , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 24.98 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Holmes, Catherine V: Como desenhar coisas legais
    Holmes, Catherine V: Como desenhar coisas legais

    Como desenhar coisas legais , um guia de desenho para professores e alunos , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 20.65 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Holmes, Catherine V: Jak kreslit skv¿lé v¿ci
    Holmes, Catherine V: Jak kreslit skv¿lé v¿ci

    Jak kreslit skv¿lé v¿ci , Jak kreslit skv¿lé v¿ci ukazuje jednoduché ilustrace krok za krokem, díky nim¿ m¿¿e kädý snadno a s jistotou kreslit skv¿lé v¿ci.Tyto stránky vás provedou základními principy ilustrace tím, ¿e se soust¿edí nasnadno nau¿itelné tvary, které p¿er¿stají v komplexní kresby. S poskytnutými návody krok za krokem se m¿¿e stát kreslení ¿ehokoli snadným. Tato kniha obsahuje ¿adu zábavných praktických cvi¿ení, která vám pomohou vid¿t linie, tvary, prostor a dal¿í prvky v kädodenních p¿edm¿tech a prom¿nit je v detailní um¿lecká díla v n¿kolika jednoduchýchkrocích. Cvi¿ení v této knize pomohou vytrénovat vá¿ mozek tak, abyste si dokázali p¿edstavit oby¿ejnép¿edm¿ty jiným zp¿sobem, co¿ vám umo¿ní vid¿t o¿ima um¿lce. Kniha Jak kreslit skv¿lé v¿ci vámumo¿ní kreslit snadn¿ji, ne¿ byste si mysleli, a zábavn¿ji, ne¿ jste si kdy dokázali p¿edstavit - od fotorealistických obli¿ej¿ ä po motivy z dovolené a kresby tetování! Nyní je ¿as nau¿it se kreslit p¿edm¿tya scény, o kterých jste v¿dy snili. Jak kreslit skv¿lé v¿ci je vhodné pro um¿lce kädého v¿ku, z ¿eho¿ mohou t¿¿it v¿ichni od u¿itel¿ a student¿ ä po samouky a hobbysty. Jak kreslit skv¿lé v¿ci vám pom¿¿e realizovat vá¿ um¿leckýpotenciál a odhalí vám ¿istou radost z kreslení! , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 18.96 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Holmes, Catherine V: How to Draw Cool Stuff
    Holmes, Catherine V: How to Draw Cool Stuff

    How to Draw Cool Stuff , How to Draw Cool Stuff shows simple step-by-step illustrations that make it easy for anyone to draw cool stuff with precision and confidence. These pages will guide you through the basic principles of illustration by concentrating on easy-to-learn shapes that build into complex drawings. With the step-by-step guidelines provided, anything can become easy to draw. This book contains a series of fun, hands-on exercises that will help you see line, shape, space and other elements in everyday objects and turn them into detailed works of art in just a few simple steps. The exercises in this book will help train your brain so you can visualize ordinary objects in a different manner, allowing you to see through the eyes of an artist. From photorealistic faces to holiday themes and tattoo drawings, How to Draw Cool Stuff makes drawing easier than you would think and more fun than you ever imagined! Now is the time to learn how to draw the subjects and scenes you've always dreamt of drawing. How to Draw Cool Stuff is suitable for artists of any age benefiting everyone from teachers and students to self-learners and hobbyists. How to Draw Cool Stuff will help you realize your artistic potential and expose you to the pure joy of drawing! , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 21.66 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Holmes, Catherine V: How to Draw Cool Stuff
    Holmes, Catherine V: How to Draw Cool Stuff

    How to Draw Cool Stuff , How to Draw Cool Stuff shows simple step-by-step illustrations that make it easy for anyone to draw cool stuff with precision and confidence. These pages will guide you through the basic principles of illustration by concentrating on easy-to-learn shapes that build into complex drawings. With the step-by-step guidelines provided, anything can become easy to draw. This book contains a series of fun, hands-on exercises that will help you see line, shape, space and other elements in everyday objects and turn them into detailed works of art in just a few simple steps. The exercises in this book will help train your brain so you can visualize ordinary objects in a different manner, allowing you to see through the eyes of an artist. From photorealistic faces to holiday themes and tattoo drawings, How to Draw Cool Stuff makes drawing easier than you would think and more fun than you ever imagined! Now is the time to learn how to draw the subjects and scenes you've always dreamt of drawing. How to Draw Cool Stuff is suitable for artists of any age benefiting everyone from teachers and students to self-learners and hobbyists. How to Draw Cool Stuff will help you realize your artistic potential and expose you to the pure joy of drawing! , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 30.82 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Holmes, Catherine V: How to Draw Cool Stuff
    Holmes, Catherine V: How to Draw Cool Stuff

    How to Draw Cool Stuff , "How to Draw Cool Stuff: Basics, Shading, Texture, Pattern and Optical Illusions" is the second book in the How to Draw Cool Stuff series. Inside you will find simple illustrations that cover the necessities of drawing cool stuff. Specific exercises are provided that offer step-by-step guidelines for drawing a variety of subjects. Each lesson starts with an easy-to-draw shape that will become the basic structure of the drawing. From there, each step adds elements to that structure, allowing the artist to build on their creation and make a more detailed image. Starting with the basic forms, the artist is provided a guide to help see objects in terms of simplified shapes. Instructions for shading to add depth, contrast, character and movement to a drawing are then covered. The varieties of texture and pattern that can be included in an artwork offer another layer of interest and depth to a design. These elements are necessary to indicate the way something looks like it feels in a work (texture) or creating the repetition of shapes, lines or colors (patterns). Illustrated optical illusions involve images that are sensed and perceived to be different from what they really are, showing examples of how the mind and the eyes can play tricks on each other. All you need is a piece of paper, a pencil and an eraser and you are ready to draw cool stuff. Once the drawing is complete, it can be colored, shaded or designed in any way you like to make it original. Following these exercises is a great way to practice your craft and begin seeing things in terms of simple shapes within a complex object. , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 22.68 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Holmes, Catherine V: How to Draw Cool Stuff
    Holmes, Catherine V: How to Draw Cool Stuff

    How to Draw Cool Stuff , How to Draw Cool Stuff: Holidays, Seasons and Events is a step-by-step drawing guide that illustrates popular celebrations, holidays and events for your drawing pleasure. From the Chinese New Year to April Fools' Day, Father's Day to Halloween, Christmas and New Year's Eve - this book covers over 100 fun days, holidays, seasons and events, and offers simple lessons that will teach you how to draw like a pro and get you in the spirit of whichever season it may be! The third book in the How To Draw Cool Stuff series, this exciting new title will teach you how to create simple illustrations using basic shapes and a drawing technique that simplifies the process of drawing, all while helping you construct height, width and depth in your work. It will guide you through the creative thought process and provide plenty of ideas to get you started. The lessons in this book will also teach you how to think like an artist and remind you that you are only limited by your imagination! , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 28.77 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Holmes, Catherine V: Comment dessiner des trucs sympas
    Holmes, Catherine V: Comment dessiner des trucs sympas

    Comment dessiner des trucs sympas , Guide de dessin pour les professeurs et les élèves , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 21.51 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Holmes, Catherine V: How to Draw Awesome Stuff
    Holmes, Catherine V: How to Draw Awesome Stuff

    How to Draw Awesome Stuff , Welcome to the wonderful world of drawing, where creativity and imagination take center stage! How to Draw Awesome Stuff is a step-by-step drawing guide by Catherine V. Holmes, author of the bestselling How to Draw Cool Stuff series. This book was designed for those who dare to explore the darker and more unconventional side of drawing. Within these pages, you'll learn how to create creepy and scary images that are sure to give your friends and family nightmares, and the best part? All of the lessons in this book have been student-tested and teacher approved. That means you can trust that each project is engaging and effective for students of all ages. How to Draw Awesome Stuff is jam-packed with interesting and informative drawing lessons that offer clear objectives and foster achievement. Whether you are new to the world of drawing or an intermediate artist, this book will provide you with the necessary tools and inspiration to unleash your creativity and inspire your creative spirit. With easy-to-follow tutorials, you'll learn how to recognize the basic shapes within objects, and how to use these shapes to create images that are both dynamic and visually stunning. The author has designed these tutorials to be as straightforward and accessible as possible; each step is broken down into easy-to-follow instructions, allowing students to follow along at their own pace. Starting with simple with foundational shapes, and building incrementally to more intricate details like shading and depth. So, grab your pencils, pens, and paper, and let your imagination run wild (and dark)! With How to Draw Awesome Stuff, you will discover the joy of drawing and the satisfaction of creating something truly unique and unforgettable. Let's get started! , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 32.73 € | Versand*: 0 €
  • Holmes, Catherine V: How to Draw Cute Stuff
    Holmes, Catherine V: How to Draw Cute Stuff

    How to Draw Cute Stuff , Bücher > Bücher & Zeitschriften

    Preis: 17.07 € | Versand*: 0 €

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  • Wann kommt die Fortsetzung von "Enola Holmes", also "Enola Holmes 2"?

    Es gibt derzeit keine offiziellen Informationen über eine Fortsetzung von "Enola Holmes" oder einen geplanten Veröffentlichungstermin für "Enola Holmes 2". Es bleibt abzuwarten, ob und wann eine Fortsetzung angekündigt wird.

  • Sollte man Sherlock Holmes gesehen haben, um Enola Holmes zu schauen?

    Es ist nicht zwingend erforderlich, Sherlock Holmes gesehen zu haben, um Enola Holmes zu schauen. Enola Holmes ist ein eigenständiger Film, der sich auf die Geschichte von Sherlock Holmes' jüngerer Schwester konzentriert. Es kann jedoch hilfreich sein, ein grundlegendes Verständnis von Sherlock Holmes und seiner Welt zu haben, um einige Referenzen und Charaktere besser zu verstehen.

  • Hatte Sherlock Holmes Kinder?

    Nein, Sherlock Holmes hatte keine Kinder. In den Geschichten von Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wird keine Erwähnung von Kindern gemacht, und Holmes selbst gibt auch keine Hinweise darauf, dass er Kinder hätte. Sein Fokus lag immer auf seiner Arbeit als Detektiv.

  • Hatte Sherlock Holmes Kinder?

    Nein, in den Geschichten von Sir Arthur Conan Doyle wird nicht erwähnt, dass Sherlock Holmes Kinder hatte. Holmes war ein sehr introvertierter und fokussierter Detektiv, der seine Zeit und Energie hauptsächlich der Lösung von Kriminalfällen widmete. Eine Familie oder Kinder wären wahrscheinlich zu sehr von seiner Arbeit abgelenkt.

  • Ist Sherlock Holmes echt?

    Nein, Sherlock Holmes ist eine fiktive Figur, die von Sir Arthur Conan Doyle erfunden wurde. Er ist ein Meisterdetektiv, der in zahlreichen Büchern und Geschichten vorkommt. Obwohl Holmes auf realen Personen basieren könnte, ist er selbst nicht real.